Thursday, July 9, 2009

Going Native

Noah recieved his Arrow of Light for Cub Scouts last night. He really enjoyed the ceremony. They had someone dressed up like an Indian with the head dress and everything. They gave him the award and an arrow that had been painted with markings that represent all the awards and badges that he earned in cub scouts. I was really proud of him.
Then today, I took the kids to the Heard Museum West in Surprise. It's a smaller version then the regular Heard Museum, but once we got a tour guide it was really cool. It's a museum dedicated to Native American artifacts and art. We learned lots of cool things about their basket and rug patterns. One thing I learned today was that Navajo women weave the rugs and always make sure to purposely make one mistake in each rug. This is because they believe only a god can make a perfect rug and they don't want people to think they are a god. So I decided from this point on, I'm not going to be perfect anymore. I don't want anyone thinking I'm a god or anything. So any mistakes I make from now on are on purpose!! (Think that will fly? Well a girl can try!)


Merrimom said...

Way to go Noah! You look great! You have a lot to be proud of Nikki. Oh, and I love that mistake thing. I'm going to have to use that too...thanks!

TheWenbergFamily said...

He looks a lot like Jeremy. I think that's an awesome way to live.

Heather said...

where is the Herd Musium? that sounds like a cool place to go

the Jesters Court said...

Yeah for Noah!!
Good luck with the making mistake thing, I know it will be hard for you, but I understand the reasoning behind it. If we all started thinking of you as a god and not just perfect, we would be bothering you for a lot more help and answers!!! LOL